Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Brackenspore Mythic 3/7M

Tactical requirements: high
DPS requirements: high
Difficulty: 8,5/10
Attempts: 125
World rank: 581
          I was told Brackenspore required about 100 attempts to defeat - well, it took us a bit more. To be honest we were not close to kill. Yesterday we had just a few attemps when the boss had less then 30% HP. Every second wipe was in 70-80% of boss HP when someone died on the very first wave\mushroom. Sometimes people failed to interrupt a cast, sometimes healers failed to heal a mushroom. Raid was about to be over when we changed setup a bit, removed people who failed, sacrificed our faithful healer shaman, and finally managed it :)
          Though I am very sad about mage DPS in this fight. 24k in 667 gear seems low for me. Problem is this encounter is all about running - from waves, mushrooms, to healing mushrooms, from mind mushroom. Very ofted as soon as you start to burst mind mushroom spawns exactly on you. And Blizzard needs to do something about Ice Lance cleave range, because atm it is awful. IL can cleave only if mobs stay EXACTLY on each other, what is usually quite not possible.
          Overall boss is very hard. Fight lasts for 8-9 minutes and you need constantly watch for dozen different things. For healers it must be even harder.
P.S. And the movie! :P

P.P.S. On later thought: I was checking my Dark Souls 2 posts and looked at amount of tries I spend on every boss. Then I compared that number to amount of Brackenspore tries ^^

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow #mythic #brackenspore

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Twin Ogron Mythic 2/7M

Tactical requirements: average
DPS requirements: average
Difficulty: 7/10
Attempts: 90
World rank: 709
          Now this one is on par in terms of difficulty with Mar'gok heroic, or maybe even harder. Unlike Mar'gok, this encounter got only one phase, and the fight is a bit shorter. But the amount of things you need to watch for is far greater. For everyone who is still struggling on this boss I'll give good advice: "FIRE HURTS!" :) This is the most annoying and dangerous mechanics. All our wipes was due to people caught too many stacks of fire. It is very hard to avoid fire waves when Phemos pulls you into whirlwind. For mage it wasn't difficult - Blink, Ice Floes, even Ice Block if you got caught into the corner, but I have no idea how our healers survived this trying to keep the raid alive.
          Keep in mind - the boss HP pool is huge, we have had quite a few wipes on ~10% when we hit enrage.
          Two bosses in the first week of Mythic Highmaul - seems great for me :) Good job, mates!
p.s. nerf monks ^^

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow #mythic #twinogron

Monday, December 15, 2014

Kagrath Bladefist Mythic 1/7M

Tactical requirements: low
DPS requirements: low
Difficulty: 5,5/10
Attempts: 27
World rank: 1367
          The boss seemed relatively easy for me. The only difference from Heroic is cats running on the arena. Oh and the amount of junk those crazy guys throwing at you from above it bigger :)
          As usual first Mythic boss is easier than last one in Heroic mode. Same thing was with Immerseus (N Garrosh > H Immerseus) and Jin'Rokh. The fight can be harder in terms of DPS\HPS(more damage taken at least) but shorter and far easier in terms of tactic.
          Well done!
p.s. Forgot to make a screenshot :\

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow #mythic #kargath #kargathbladefist

Friday, December 12, 2014

Imperator Mar'gok Heroic

Difficulty: 7/10
Attempts: 37
World rank: 955
          Good fight! For the last boss of raid instance this encounter is very well made. Four phases, several different mechanics, bright dynamic abilities - this was as good as fight with Garrosh. Difficulty is just in place where it needs to be - hard enough for last boss, but not impossible. And again - well done! Now the real challenges begin - Mythic mode! :)

          Also, few word about current state of mages. We are in quite bad place right now. Check Simcraft - all three our specs are near the bottom. Today only Frost can provide some competition, but even Frost is relatively weak compared to, say, monks. Mages were top1 for almost two expansions, and I understand Blizzard want to give other classes this place, but why to put us into the barrel?
          And our talents are so clunky - I remember mages were complained about level 90 talents being terrible - and what we got now? Even worse talents! TV passive is very "fun" gameplay. PC mechanic is just great - once you put it on the ground and pop your cooldowns on - tank moves the boss LoL - welcome to 0 DPS world! I even don't want to say anything about "10k damage per 24 sec" CS. I hope mages will receive some serious buffs in incoming hotfixes, especially Fire, because atm this is a joke.
          Again - this is only my opinion.
#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow #margok #heroic #imperator #highmaul

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Highmaul Heroic. Still the first week :)

          We have cleared Highmaul Normal in 2 raid days. First day was Kargath - Ko'ragh and few wipes on Imperator. Second day was Imperator and 3 heroic bosses. Two more heroic bosses on 3rd raid day and Ko'ragh on last one.
          As you may know, Heroic have no difference from Normal in terms of mechanics - same abilities, same strategy, only amount of bosses\adds HP\damage is greater. I cant say Heroic bosses are significantly harder, but they are definitely harder. More HP usually means longer fights = bigger chance someone fails thus wiping the raid. Here is my estimation:
 1) Kargath Bladefist - 1st try - 3/10 - Same with Normal, but hits harder.

 2) The Butcher - 5th try - 4/10 - Significantly harder than Normal version. This boss actually has an enrage timer, and since this is first week and people are mostly in blues this can be a cockblock for those who didn't get many BOE epics and\or farmed challenge modes.

 3) Brackenspore - 9th try - 5/10 - Same as The Butcher - significantly harder than Normal version. Boss has much more HP, every add has much more HP, when you kill one add another spawns, you cant dps the boss at all or adds will overwhelm you. One mistake with healing green mushroom leads to wipe.

  4) Tectus - 13th try - 5/10 - This one is the same with Normal - fire still hurts, earthen spike still kills. Tectus has less DPS or HPS requirements than other bosses so far, but more demanding to the positioning. If you move wrong way - huge chance you wipe the raid.

  5) Twin Ogron - 7th try - 4/10 - same as normal, but the fight lasts longer.

  6) Ko'ragh - 31th try - 5/10 - I have no idea why it took us so long to defeat this. First 10 wipes we were teaching melee guys to stay away from center on phase change. Second 10 wipes we were teaching guys with debuff to catch falling spheres. And the last 10 wipes people were learning not to die in different shit.

          That was all for the first week. We didn't defeat Imperator, but still 7\7N and 6\7H progress is great for me so far. This week was awesome - many new bosses, many new kills. Now I'm going to sleep to prepare myself to long Mythic wipes :) See you! :P

Friday, December 5, 2014

First week of Highmaul. Highmaul Normal.

          Finally, a new raid! How long I have waited for this! First days of new raid are always awesome - new bosses, new areas, new mechanics. I remember my Cataclysm experience when I rushed to level 85 gathered best equipment I could to fight for server firsts! You know this feeling when you kill new boss - and there are even seven new ones! And this is normal so you can beat them quite fast. This is like having an orgasm seven times in row :)
          I even managed to be first in my guild by item level

though I didn't make it that high I made it in Cataclysm - getting old probably :)

          But nevermind this, I was really happy and excited anyways! Seven new bosses, seven new challenges! And as I like to measure all things I will measure boss difficulty and will track our statistics on wipes and kills. Of course my marks are very subjective - this is only my point of view :) Lets say 10\10 - is Garrosh Heroic pre-6.0 and 0\10 is current LFR difficulty level. This will be in boss - attempts - difficulty - comment format.

 1) Kargath Bladefist - 1st try - 1/10 - First boss is first boss. Mechanics are forgivable and easy to avoid.
 2) The Butcher - 1st try - 1/10 - This one has DPS requirements, but for my guild there was no challenge at all.
 3) Brackenspore - 2nd try - 2/10 - We were totally clueless about mushrooms :)
 4) Tectus - 4th try - 3/10 - For the first kill this one is harder than previous bosses. Mechanics are old - void zone + don't stay in fire + kite debuff away, but when the boss splits into 4 amount of fire and void zones is a bit overwhelming. Good aoe required.
 5) Twin Ogron - 2nd try - 2/10 - easy one-phase boss. Same thing - don't stay in fire.
 6) Ko'ragh - 4th try - 3/10 - interesting idea to make the boss immune to magic :)
 7) Imperator Mar'gok - 7th try - 5/10 - Significantly harder than previous bosses. While other bosses have 1-2 phases, Mar'gok is 10m+ 4-phased encounter. I believe it can be serious challenge for weak guilds.

          Overall I'm very happy with Highmaul, see you in Heroic mode :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Level 100!

          YEAH, FINALLY!
          The way was long and hard, but I finally made it. It was damn fun :D Yeah, I didn't have this very feeling since Cata! Now I need some time to sleep, I will edit this post later and tell about my adventures during leveling!

          Added later: Now after short rest I am ready to tell about what did I do in last 2 days ^^ Leveling took me 30 hours including 6 hours sleep. Actually it could be completed in 1\2 time probably, but our server was lagging terribly. This is 5th addon for World of Warcraft and still Blizzard cant fix lag at the start. Quite sad. Most terrible addition to the game is Garrison which lags even more bad. There just was no instance - hundreds of people running around in non-instanced zone. Worse, if you use Hearthstone it does nothing, only starts its cooldown, but if you use flight path you are getting stuck for good several hours. Terrible. All our way to level 100 was long fight with lag. We tried everything - questing in one half of zone since 2nd half was lagging (lol), asked for an invite to another server through Battle.net. - nothing was working - looting a mob took us 30 seconds. But in final - Blizzard:We - 0:1 :D Anyway, even despite terrible lags I liked the process, Draenor itself is very beautiful, though we didn't have much time to focus on environment :)
          Now it is time to Heroics and then Challenges

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Warlords of Draenor inc!

          I didn't plan to powerlevel my mage once addon comes. But I would lie if I say I don't want to. I still remember my Cataclysm powerleveling with my m8's several years ago on the far realm of EU-Ravencrest. I was 7th level 85 on server, though I don't remember correctly, I remember it took me no less than 20 hours. And it was awesome! Yeah, ol'good times, maybe someday I will even write down my memories about Vanilla, TBC, etc.
          Few days ago I got an invite from my guildies to rush to level 100 with them. Now how could I resist? :D I've accepted an invite. I didn't play on Beta this time, so I don't have a plan how to level, but I hope my mates have.
          So, it is time to claim some server firsts :P See you on level 100!

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow

Friday, October 31, 2014

Heroic Garrosh

          After patch all bosses become much easier including Garrosh. We defeated him in about 10 tries - this is nothing for the hardest boss of current content. I didn't play SoO for almost an year. The last boss I've stopped on was HC Immerseus and as I remember it was even harder than this nerfed Garrosh. I don't complant, nope :) I'm actually happy Blizzard allowed everyone to see this heroic only phase.

P.S. By saying "everyone" I actually mean everyone skilled enough, since even this nerfed version provides some challenge :)

P.P.S. I was laughing out loud when I saw new DPS numbers - from 250k to 14k - that was funny ^^

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

World of Warcraft

          After almost an year of absence I decided to return to World of Warcraft.
          I started to play this game back in 2004 from US beta. And for long 10 years I've played WoW with different people, under different raid times, played hardcore and casually. I don't want to look nerdy - I didn't spend my life in WoW :) Its just the game with social basis, where you can relax with your friends, same as Counter-Strike, same as DOTA or League of Legends. I started to play WoW, I liked it ... and stuck to it till now :)
          If you want to be the first in this game you need to play a lot (in addition to fast reaction and smart brain) - I think this is the case almost for every game - more you play - more you get. That was the reason I was leaving the game. When you are student it is ok to play all night long, but when you have a job, a wife, responsibilities you just cant waste 20-30-40 hours per week online.
          Not everyone is so lucky to get happy, interesting and cloudless life. Even those people need to relax sometimes. Someone getting stick to the brothel, someone to the bottle, I stuck to WoW :) In my humble opinion this is the lesser of all evils - less damage for health, less for wealth. I play with my friends, getting fun, there is nothing wrong with me :)

          Oh, forgive my long monologs - getting old probably :) Let me tell you why I decided to come back again. When I was leaving last time (about an year ago) I thought this was the last time I play WoW, because it ate too much time. But after a while I relalized I spend the same time in other games - Dark Souls, Hearthstone, etc. Then why should I play alone when I can play with friends, as long as it don't interfere with my real life?
          Accidently I saw a thread on Russian forum with the post from one of my mates, once guild master of top guild that he is gathering people under his banner once again :) And with his positive answer on my question "Do you need a mage?" I came back to the game :) I don't know how long will it last, probably not long, but since new addon is coming soon I hope to see new content! See you in Warlords of Draenor :>

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kel'Thuzad Heroic

Difficulty: 6/5
Attempts: 7
          Awesome boss, I couldn't possible think there can be 2-phased boss in a card game! Very interesting encounter. Each stage is a challenge - very fun.
          Funny thing I've noticed - half of my fights in Naxxramas was completed with priest deck. Priest cards works quite different from, say, mage or warlock cards. No one can steal enemy cards, but priest. No one can double unit HP or make attack equal to HP. Usually those cards are well balanced, since you cant normally have, say, 20\20 units or 7\5 weapon.
          Once again I waited until I can have Inner Fire + Divine Spirit cards to make my units (well at least one) very powerful. Cards like Power Word: Shield, buffs from Dark Cultist and Temple Enforced only add strength to your units. I made my Lightwell 15\15, quickly entered to phase 2 and then put all units I had so there was a chance I can have that empowered Lightwell for couple more turns. And as soon as p2 starts I threw all I had into his face and destroyed my own MC'ed units with Shadow Words.
          To summarize - I liked this addon. Though I almost didn't play arena or ranked, this solo challenge was very fun, though, quite expensive.


#hearthstone #heroic #kelthuzad

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sapphiron Heroic

Difficulty: 6/5
Attempts: 9
          Very hard boss, as good as it was in Naxx40 :D If it is so hard, I cant imagine KT's difficulty ^^
          I had no idea what to do here. He destroys your units instantly - I tried Divine Shield, different immunities - nothing is working. I started with hunter - my idea was to make super rush deck with weapons and charge units. Sapphiron does not have taunts, but he was killing me far too fast. If I tried to hit him into face, he was killing me with units and finishing with his overpowered 8 damage spell. Bow + fire trap combination works best, but that was not enough to deal with his units.
          Tried warlock and priest decks - both with little success. Then came back to hunter again. Several deck revisions - for example - dogs are useless, since he kills them in next turn anyways. I also picked more draw and charge cards - either you kill him fast or he will. Finally I was lucky enough to draw right cards and finish this immense dragon :)


Friday, August 15, 2014

Patchwerk Heroic

Difficulty: 4/5
Attempts: 7
          I never could possibly imagine an enemy without cards, good job Blizzard :D
          My first crazy idea was to make a priest deck with card stealing - to destroy Patchwerk weapon and then steal it :D Though it would be probably hard. My only idea was to make a mage with different Freeze spells and taunts. Must have cards: taunts, especially 2\8 guy - since Patchwerk does not have cards killing this taunt even damages the boss, cards with "weaponbreaking" - Acidic Swamp Ooze, Harrison Jones - if you have it. If you aquire Swamp Ooze from 1st try it is significantly trivializes the fight, giving you 2 turns when boss does nothing.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thaddius Heroic

Difficulty: 1/5
Attempts: 2
          New week - new bosses! Only one closed wing left now with two bosses for the next week. And four more bosses for this week.
          I started with most interesting boss from my point of view - his ability makes fight very amusing - Polarity Shift. As I told, I used to play the very first version of Naxxramas in the 2006, and Thaddius was one of most challenging while exciting bosses. His ability made players to deal much more damage than they usually do, and I could not wait how this ability should work in Hearthstone.
          When I was fighting this boss in normal mode I noticed he shifts polarity taking into account all temporary buffs uncluding buffs like +1 attack from Dire Wolf Alpha. For example you have 1\3 unit and Wolf on table making this unit 2\3. Thaddius shifts polarity making the unit 3\2, and wolf buffs it's attack again to 4\2! And so on - so I made my deck taking as many buffs as possible. To my surprise Thaddius summons two powerful units from turn 2 (thanks to Blizzard, at least not from 1st turn) - I wasn't ready and lost in the first game. Thing is on 2nd turn one of monstrosities  have only 4 hp, so it can be killed with Soul Fire or Shadowbolt - next turn another have 4 hp due to Polarity Shift, making him vulnerable to same spells. Also, those monsters have 7 attack, making them easy target for BGH or SW:D.
          I choosed a warlock, since he can draw cards and have 4 damage 0 mana spell, so I could deal with one of monsters from the turn they came. Another unit was a target to BGH. 2nd try.

#hearthstone #heroic #thaddius

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Instructor Razuvious Heroic

Difficulty: 1/5
Attempts: 1
          Easiest of all bosses so far. With Priest cards like Divine Spirit, Power Word: Shield and Inner Fire you getting powerful units on 3rd-4th turn. I buffed enemy units with HP buffs, so Instructor did not hit them, and on 3rd turn I was able to get 14/14 unit. Razuvious has powerful weapon, though hitting 14\14 unit with weapon hurts badly.
And one more fun screen from Warlock class challenge. Have you ever seen Lord Jaraxxus on the battlefield not as hero but as a unit? I didn't.
Military Quarter is finished! Waiting for Construct wing!

#hearthstone #heroic #razuvious #instructorrazuvious

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gothik the Harvester Heroic

Difficulty: 5/5
Attempts: about 15
          I knew the tactic - since he gives you units you need to force those units to fights against Gothik! Since those units have 0 attack they need to be buffed first. Obviously Defender of Argus, then Sunfury Protector. Units with attack buff like Abusive Sergeant, Dark Iron Dwarf, Dire Wolf and so on. The class I play was a Druid with taunt-buffs and Naturalize. But it was easy to say and hard to make. Gothik just spams you with units. His heroic ability is incredibly powerful - when you have 5 mana and few cards he has 10 mana and full hand. The only was to counter him is to kill all his unrelenting units every turn with your ghostly units. There is another trick - too many ghostly units will burn you with their ability. So when killing his units you need to be sure your units are dying aswell.

The Four Horsemen Heroic

Difficulty: 5/5
Attempts: more than 30 (without gambling for cards)
          Yay, 3rd wing of Naxxramas! Ol' good Military Quarter. I remember wiping all night long in Naxxramas back in the 2006 ^^ Yeah, those good days. But back to the present!
          Non-heroic bosses were easy as usual, killed all three bosses with standart zoolock deck. I my heroic path from most interesting fight from my point of view - The Four Horsemen. I knew fight will be hard, but I didn't expect it to be this VERY hard. Very challenging boss, 4 classes, several deck revisions, more than 30 attempts (not counting gambling for cards).
          My first idea was obvious - a priest with Shadow Word: Pain, Cabal Shadow Priest and of course Ooze, since his weapon hits hard. About 15 attempts was in vain. He was killing be far too fast - 6 damage from first turn, 8 damage from second (+weapon). Even if I managed to kill 2 of them with SWP his secrets revived or buffed other Horsemen - paladin secrets were insane in this fight. EVEN after I killed all three (happened twice) I didn't have ooze yet, and he finished me swiftly with 8 attack sword.
          Second idea was zoolock - to spam them with units - total fail. Then I tried a frostmage. Nova+Elemental+Blizzard+Frostbolt+Lance and so on. Mirror Images, Fireball, and finally Flamestrike. This worked fine, but still not enough. All I need is to survive till Flamestrike. Same as with priest I even managed to kill three Forsemen of board, but he finished me with sword.
          My last idea was to make a paladin with maximum defensive cards: Humility and Aldor Peacekeeper to counter Paladin buff secret. Some units with healing to survive unit late game. Blessing of Kings was very useful. Molten Golem is much pick. This worked better than previous decks - on 5th try I finally won.
          Hardest fight so far.

p.s. I know I didn't use Kodo - problem is I didn't spend real money on cards, so I still don't have many important cards.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Noth the Plaguebringer Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 6 (without gambling for cards)
          For Noth I used almost the same deck with few differences - I got rid of Mirror Images (two fine skeletons could raise from small gnomes), but picked more heavy units. After few wipes I also removed Water Elementals - this unit is fat, but not fat enough to survive the onslaught. Keep the board under your control and hit Noth to the face.

Heigan the Unclean Heroic

Difficulty: 2/5
Attempts: 5 (without gambling for cards)
          Tactics for first three heroic bosses was quite obvious, but I had no idea what to do with next three. I tried Anub'Rekhan with several different decks - no chance, don't know what to do with him. Then I tried Heigan. I tried Zoolock deck, since Heigan damages no more than one unit with ability, then if there will be many units you wont notice one is gone. But in additional to his ability Heigan uses medium strength units, easily overwhelming weak Zoolock army. You just cant get through 2/8 taunt without losing all your horde of 1 HP units. Then my thoughts was - if he wipes my army I will not use an army at all! Who can survive without an army? Sorceress can! I made heavy spellpower deck with few heavy units, who don't afraid of his 3 damage ability, to finish the boss.
          A lot of spells, maximum amount of freeze spells and units, so I can survive till Flamestrike. After several revisions it finally worked.
          Check the amount of secrets ;)


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Loatheb Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 5 (without gambling for cards)
          Only chance to win versus this boss is to rush him before he kills you with his ability. His extra mechanics is spore - a 0/1 unit with deathrattle: "Give all enemy minions +8 attack". My thoughts was: 1) you need as many units as possible - units with summon via battlecry or deathrattle (First is Haunted Creeper ofc, then Harvest Golem, Murloc Tidehunter and Nerubean Egg), so with one spore you can get many units with heavy attack, 2) his first units need to be dealed with ASAP (Only warlock could make it on the first turn, saving unit by combing Divine Shield unit - Agrent Squire and 0 mana damage spell - Soul Fire), 3) you shouldn't lose HP (that's why I removed Flame Imps) and possibly try to restore some (Earthen Ring Farseer and Voodoo Doctor, but not Proestess of Elune  - too expensive). Units with deathrattle also helped to deal with his cards like kill everyone and summon Treants or to deal 1 damage to everyone.
          I replayed the game till I had Argent Squire and Soul Fire in my hand. My first turn was to put Squire and kill Spore via Soul Fire. I could use Elven Archer and kill that spore too, but in my case I could kill his 3\6 taunt and didn't lose an unit. Then just spam as many cards as possible to get maximum possible damage in one turn. Here is killshot and screen of deck: (clickable)

Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas Heroic!

Another challenge on the horizon! And where? In the card game!
Half of the year has passed since release of Hearthstone game and here it is - the very first add-on to the great Blizzard game. The AI was weak, but it was not needed - arenas and ladder provided enough fun to play. But I like PvE much more than PvP and to be honest I waited till Blizzard update the AI or create new challenge. And here it is - Naxxramas! New PvE bosses with updated AI to defeat! Again to be honest AI wasn't updated much - it is still weak and quite stupid, but heroic bosses really provide a challenge to play. Just imagine - a hero with 45 HP and 4\4 ability summon for 2 mana! o_O Or another boss - 99 HP and ability to deal 3 damage for 0 mana! Sounds impossible, huh? Well, time for fight then!

#hearthstone #heroic

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Abub'Rekhan Heroic

Difficulty: 4/5
Attempts: about 15 (without gambling for cards)
          First, but hardest of all bosses. His ability is extremely powerful - 4/4 unit from the very first turn (he always have coin). What can you do on first, second, third turns if he put 4\4 every turn? I tried about 6 different decks before coming to right one. Priest with maximum mind control power and unit removals: Mind Control (obv.), Cabal Shadow Priest, Mental Dislocator, board control aoe - Auchenai priestess + Circle of healing, Holy Nova. Card-copy worked perfectly too (Mind Vision and Thoughtsteal) - is was great to get 2\8 or 3\5 taunt. Especially funny was to hit Anub with his own Locust Swarm!
          But all this still wasn't enough. Even Doomsayer didn't help - he always killed him with 4\4+spell. My next idea was to use power of Divine Spirit + Inner Fire to get one uber tough unit, since Anub does not have removals. With luck it finally happened.
Bosses were hard and fun, just as Blizzard promiced. Cant wait for next week!

Maexxna Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 7 (without gambling for cards)
          Quite tough boss. I tried different decks before I found right one. My thoughts was - I need units with battlecry, since Maexxna removes them, I can use up to 2 battlecries every turn. In my mind tactic was easy - Maexxna put mostly weak units with 1 attack, or even Nerubian Eggs, so you just need to wait until she put 6 units with 1 attack and two eggs - this will be a total of 6 damage every turn. You can use Guardian of Kings to outheal this damage and for example Elven Archer to deal damage to Maexxna. But this was boring, I decided I will defeat Maexxna by attacking, not defending. Despite her ability I will take board control!
          First several turns I could only use healing (Voodoo Doctors, Earth Ring Farseers) and sometimes units so Maexxna wont overload my hand. And in same time I tried to take board control. Since Maexxna removes 2 units every turn, that was obvious you need to put more than 2 units every turn! Cheap units, especially units with summon, like Murlock Tidehunter and Dragonling Mechanic worked well. Maexxna removes this units with her ability and next turn you can use them again to get even more summons! I tried to take board control with all my cards - Consecration, swords, summons, chargers. And when I finally got my board control I could finish the boss. Check my deck!

#hearthstone #heroic #maexxna