Thursday, July 24, 2014

Abub'Rekhan Heroic

Difficulty: 4/5
Attempts: about 15 (without gambling for cards)
          First, but hardest of all bosses. His ability is extremely powerful - 4/4 unit from the very first turn (he always have coin). What can you do on first, second, third turns if he put 4\4 every turn? I tried about 6 different decks before coming to right one. Priest with maximum mind control power and unit removals: Mind Control (obv.), Cabal Shadow Priest, Mental Dislocator, board control aoe - Auchenai priestess + Circle of healing, Holy Nova. Card-copy worked perfectly too (Mind Vision and Thoughtsteal) - is was great to get 2\8 or 3\5 taunt. Especially funny was to hit Anub with his own Locust Swarm!
          But all this still wasn't enough. Even Doomsayer didn't help - he always killed him with 4\4+spell. My next idea was to use power of Divine Spirit + Inner Fire to get one uber tough unit, since Anub does not have removals. With luck it finally happened.
Bosses were hard and fun, just as Blizzard promiced. Cant wait for next week!

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