Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Highmaul Heroic. Still the first week :)

          We have cleared Highmaul Normal in 2 raid days. First day was Kargath - Ko'ragh and few wipes on Imperator. Second day was Imperator and 3 heroic bosses. Two more heroic bosses on 3rd raid day and Ko'ragh on last one.
          As you may know, Heroic have no difference from Normal in terms of mechanics - same abilities, same strategy, only amount of bosses\adds HP\damage is greater. I cant say Heroic bosses are significantly harder, but they are definitely harder. More HP usually means longer fights = bigger chance someone fails thus wiping the raid. Here is my estimation:
 1) Kargath Bladefist - 1st try - 3/10 - Same with Normal, but hits harder.

 2) The Butcher - 5th try - 4/10 - Significantly harder than Normal version. This boss actually has an enrage timer, and since this is first week and people are mostly in blues this can be a cockblock for those who didn't get many BOE epics and\or farmed challenge modes.

 3) Brackenspore - 9th try - 5/10 - Same as The Butcher - significantly harder than Normal version. Boss has much more HP, every add has much more HP, when you kill one add another spawns, you cant dps the boss at all or adds will overwhelm you. One mistake with healing green mushroom leads to wipe.

  4) Tectus - 13th try - 5/10 - This one is the same with Normal - fire still hurts, earthen spike still kills. Tectus has less DPS or HPS requirements than other bosses so far, but more demanding to the positioning. If you move wrong way - huge chance you wipe the raid.

  5) Twin Ogron - 7th try - 4/10 - same as normal, but the fight lasts longer.

  6) Ko'ragh - 31th try - 5/10 - I have no idea why it took us so long to defeat this. First 10 wipes we were teaching melee guys to stay away from center on phase change. Second 10 wipes we were teaching guys with debuff to catch falling spheres. And the last 10 wipes people were learning not to die in different shit.

          That was all for the first week. We didn't defeat Imperator, but still 7\7N and 6\7H progress is great for me so far. This week was awesome - many new bosses, many new kills. Now I'm going to sleep to prepare myself to long Mythic wipes :) See you! :P

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