Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Loatheb Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 5 (without gambling for cards)
          Only chance to win versus this boss is to rush him before he kills you with his ability. His extra mechanics is spore - a 0/1 unit with deathrattle: "Give all enemy minions +8 attack". My thoughts was: 1) you need as many units as possible - units with summon via battlecry or deathrattle (First is Haunted Creeper ofc, then Harvest Golem, Murloc Tidehunter and Nerubean Egg), so with one spore you can get many units with heavy attack, 2) his first units need to be dealed with ASAP (Only warlock could make it on the first turn, saving unit by combing Divine Shield unit - Agrent Squire and 0 mana damage spell - Soul Fire), 3) you shouldn't lose HP (that's why I removed Flame Imps) and possibly try to restore some (Earthen Ring Farseer and Voodoo Doctor, but not Proestess of Elune  - too expensive). Units with deathrattle also helped to deal with his cards like kill everyone and summon Treants or to deal 1 damage to everyone.
          I replayed the game till I had Argent Squire and Soul Fire in my hand. My first turn was to put Squire and kill Spore via Soul Fire. I could use Elven Archer and kill that spore too, but in my case I could kill his 3\6 taunt and didn't lose an unit. Then just spam as many cards as possible to get maximum possible damage in one turn. Here is killshot and screen of deck: (clickable)

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