Sunday, November 15, 2015

SC II: Day 4

Mission 06 - Sky Shield
Difficulty: 3,5/5
Tries: 3
Savegames: 18
          If there was no timer the mission would be quite easy - focus all your power on defense, then hiding by cannons make an army and destroy those facilities. But there is a timer, you just cant build cannons or you wont have enough resources to make units in time. In the same time, when you are trying to complete mission objectives enemies wont hesitate to attack you, so you need to rush to facilities and defend your base in the same time.
          First try I used the same tactic as on previous mission - Dragoons as firepower plus Zealots as shield, but this quickly become futile. Zealots was dying way too fast, you just waste resources on making them. Also you cant make Dragoons only - their attack is way too slow so they quickly become overwhelmed by small units, like Zerglings.
          My next idea was to use Dark Templars, but this was quite useless too. Templars cannot attack air units, and detectors are everywhere, so you have to make both Dragoons and Templars. This is very hard to control, one wrong move and all your Templars being smashed by Siege Tank in a matter of seconds.
          Third try I switched from Dragoons to Stalkers. Their ability to regenerate shields after Blink is very useful, I even didn't expect this. Every 8 seconds (just eight!) you are able to regenerate half of your shield - awesome! But the main problem still persisted - those untargetable bombs fired by Terran Ravens. Blink is very helpful too - you just Blink this unit away to catch the bomb, but in the crowd when in the same time several bombs target your units, tanks attack you from the back and Battlecruiser is shooting from the side.
          By the way - reinforcements are also very helpful here. Just before an assault you summon Pylon, getting 4 units and being able to summon more to you via Warp Gate.

          On this screenshot you can see my base is being destroyed :) Though I made it before I got defeated :)

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