Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kel'Thuzad Heroic

Difficulty: 6/5
Attempts: 7
          Awesome boss, I couldn't possible think there can be 2-phased boss in a card game! Very interesting encounter. Each stage is a challenge - very fun.
          Funny thing I've noticed - half of my fights in Naxxramas was completed with priest deck. Priest cards works quite different from, say, mage or warlock cards. No one can steal enemy cards, but priest. No one can double unit HP or make attack equal to HP. Usually those cards are well balanced, since you cant normally have, say, 20\20 units or 7\5 weapon.
          Once again I waited until I can have Inner Fire + Divine Spirit cards to make my units (well at least one) very powerful. Cards like Power Word: Shield, buffs from Dark Cultist and Temple Enforced only add strength to your units. I made my Lightwell 15\15, quickly entered to phase 2 and then put all units I had so there was a chance I can have that empowered Lightwell for couple more turns. And as soon as p2 starts I threw all I had into his face and destroyed my own MC'ed units with Shadow Words.
          To summarize - I liked this addon. Though I almost didn't play arena or ranked, this solo challenge was very fun, though, quite expensive.


#hearthstone #heroic #kelthuzad

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sapphiron Heroic

Difficulty: 6/5
Attempts: 9
          Very hard boss, as good as it was in Naxx40 :D If it is so hard, I cant imagine KT's difficulty ^^
          I had no idea what to do here. He destroys your units instantly - I tried Divine Shield, different immunities - nothing is working. I started with hunter - my idea was to make super rush deck with weapons and charge units. Sapphiron does not have taunts, but he was killing me far too fast. If I tried to hit him into face, he was killing me with units and finishing with his overpowered 8 damage spell. Bow + fire trap combination works best, but that was not enough to deal with his units.
          Tried warlock and priest decks - both with little success. Then came back to hunter again. Several deck revisions - for example - dogs are useless, since he kills them in next turn anyways. I also picked more draw and charge cards - either you kill him fast or he will. Finally I was lucky enough to draw right cards and finish this immense dragon :)


Friday, August 15, 2014

Patchwerk Heroic

Difficulty: 4/5
Attempts: 7
          I never could possibly imagine an enemy without cards, good job Blizzard :D
          My first crazy idea was to make a priest deck with card stealing - to destroy Patchwerk weapon and then steal it :D Though it would be probably hard. My only idea was to make a mage with different Freeze spells and taunts. Must have cards: taunts, especially 2\8 guy - since Patchwerk does not have cards killing this taunt even damages the boss, cards with "weaponbreaking" - Acidic Swamp Ooze, Harrison Jones - if you have it. If you aquire Swamp Ooze from 1st try it is significantly trivializes the fight, giving you 2 turns when boss does nothing.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thaddius Heroic

Difficulty: 1/5
Attempts: 2
          New week - new bosses! Only one closed wing left now with two bosses for the next week. And four more bosses for this week.
          I started with most interesting boss from my point of view - his ability makes fight very amusing - Polarity Shift. As I told, I used to play the very first version of Naxxramas in the 2006, and Thaddius was one of most challenging while exciting bosses. His ability made players to deal much more damage than they usually do, and I could not wait how this ability should work in Hearthstone.
          When I was fighting this boss in normal mode I noticed he shifts polarity taking into account all temporary buffs uncluding buffs like +1 attack from Dire Wolf Alpha. For example you have 1\3 unit and Wolf on table making this unit 2\3. Thaddius shifts polarity making the unit 3\2, and wolf buffs it's attack again to 4\2! And so on - so I made my deck taking as many buffs as possible. To my surprise Thaddius summons two powerful units from turn 2 (thanks to Blizzard, at least not from 1st turn) - I wasn't ready and lost in the first game. Thing is on 2nd turn one of monstrosities  have only 4 hp, so it can be killed with Soul Fire or Shadowbolt - next turn another have 4 hp due to Polarity Shift, making him vulnerable to same spells. Also, those monsters have 7 attack, making them easy target for BGH or SW:D.
          I choosed a warlock, since he can draw cards and have 4 damage 0 mana spell, so I could deal with one of monsters from the turn they came. Another unit was a target to BGH. 2nd try.

#hearthstone #heroic #thaddius

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Instructor Razuvious Heroic

Difficulty: 1/5
Attempts: 1
          Easiest of all bosses so far. With Priest cards like Divine Spirit, Power Word: Shield and Inner Fire you getting powerful units on 3rd-4th turn. I buffed enemy units with HP buffs, so Instructor did not hit them, and on 3rd turn I was able to get 14/14 unit. Razuvious has powerful weapon, though hitting 14\14 unit with weapon hurts badly.
And one more fun screen from Warlock class challenge. Have you ever seen Lord Jaraxxus on the battlefield not as hero but as a unit? I didn't.
Military Quarter is finished! Waiting for Construct wing!

#hearthstone #heroic #razuvious #instructorrazuvious

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gothik the Harvester Heroic

Difficulty: 5/5
Attempts: about 15
          I knew the tactic - since he gives you units you need to force those units to fights against Gothik! Since those units have 0 attack they need to be buffed first. Obviously Defender of Argus, then Sunfury Protector. Units with attack buff like Abusive Sergeant, Dark Iron Dwarf, Dire Wolf and so on. The class I play was a Druid with taunt-buffs and Naturalize. But it was easy to say and hard to make. Gothik just spams you with units. His heroic ability is incredibly powerful - when you have 5 mana and few cards he has 10 mana and full hand. The only was to counter him is to kill all his unrelenting units every turn with your ghostly units. There is another trick - too many ghostly units will burn you with their ability. So when killing his units you need to be sure your units are dying aswell.

The Four Horsemen Heroic

Difficulty: 5/5
Attempts: more than 30 (without gambling for cards)
          Yay, 3rd wing of Naxxramas! Ol' good Military Quarter. I remember wiping all night long in Naxxramas back in the 2006 ^^ Yeah, those good days. But back to the present!
          Non-heroic bosses were easy as usual, killed all three bosses with standart zoolock deck. I my heroic path from most interesting fight from my point of view - The Four Horsemen. I knew fight will be hard, but I didn't expect it to be this VERY hard. Very challenging boss, 4 classes, several deck revisions, more than 30 attempts (not counting gambling for cards).
          My first idea was obvious - a priest with Shadow Word: Pain, Cabal Shadow Priest and of course Ooze, since his weapon hits hard. About 15 attempts was in vain. He was killing be far too fast - 6 damage from first turn, 8 damage from second (+weapon). Even if I managed to kill 2 of them with SWP his secrets revived or buffed other Horsemen - paladin secrets were insane in this fight. EVEN after I killed all three (happened twice) I didn't have ooze yet, and he finished me swiftly with 8 attack sword.
          Second idea was zoolock - to spam them with units - total fail. Then I tried a frostmage. Nova+Elemental+Blizzard+Frostbolt+Lance and so on. Mirror Images, Fireball, and finally Flamestrike. This worked fine, but still not enough. All I need is to survive till Flamestrike. Same as with priest I even managed to kill three Forsemen of board, but he finished me with sword.
          My last idea was to make a paladin with maximum defensive cards: Humility and Aldor Peacekeeper to counter Paladin buff secret. Some units with healing to survive unit late game. Blessing of Kings was very useful. Molten Golem is much pick. This worked better than previous decks - on 5th try I finally won.
          Hardest fight so far.

p.s. I know I didn't use Kodo - problem is I didn't spend real money on cards, so I still don't have many important cards.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Noth the Plaguebringer Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 6 (without gambling for cards)
          For Noth I used almost the same deck with few differences - I got rid of Mirror Images (two fine skeletons could raise from small gnomes), but picked more heavy units. After few wipes I also removed Water Elementals - this unit is fat, but not fat enough to survive the onslaught. Keep the board under your control and hit Noth to the face.

Heigan the Unclean Heroic

Difficulty: 2/5
Attempts: 5 (without gambling for cards)
          Tactics for first three heroic bosses was quite obvious, but I had no idea what to do with next three. I tried Anub'Rekhan with several different decks - no chance, don't know what to do with him. Then I tried Heigan. I tried Zoolock deck, since Heigan damages no more than one unit with ability, then if there will be many units you wont notice one is gone. But in additional to his ability Heigan uses medium strength units, easily overwhelming weak Zoolock army. You just cant get through 2/8 taunt without losing all your horde of 1 HP units. Then my thoughts was - if he wipes my army I will not use an army at all! Who can survive without an army? Sorceress can! I made heavy spellpower deck with few heavy units, who don't afraid of his 3 damage ability, to finish the boss.
          A lot of spells, maximum amount of freeze spells and units, so I can survive till Flamestrike. After several revisions it finally worked.
          Check the amount of secrets ;)