Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Loatheb Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 5 (without gambling for cards)
          Only chance to win versus this boss is to rush him before he kills you with his ability. His extra mechanics is spore - a 0/1 unit with deathrattle: "Give all enemy minions +8 attack". My thoughts was: 1) you need as many units as possible - units with summon via battlecry or deathrattle (First is Haunted Creeper ofc, then Harvest Golem, Murloc Tidehunter and Nerubean Egg), so with one spore you can get many units with heavy attack, 2) his first units need to be dealed with ASAP (Only warlock could make it on the first turn, saving unit by combing Divine Shield unit - Agrent Squire and 0 mana damage spell - Soul Fire), 3) you shouldn't lose HP (that's why I removed Flame Imps) and possibly try to restore some (Earthen Ring Farseer and Voodoo Doctor, but not Proestess of Elune  - too expensive). Units with deathrattle also helped to deal with his cards like kill everyone and summon Treants or to deal 1 damage to everyone.
          I replayed the game till I had Argent Squire and Soul Fire in my hand. My first turn was to put Squire and kill Spore via Soul Fire. I could use Elven Archer and kill that spore too, but in my case I could kill his 3\6 taunt and didn't lose an unit. Then just spam as many cards as possible to get maximum possible damage in one turn. Here is killshot and screen of deck: (clickable)

Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas Heroic!

Another challenge on the horizon! And where? In the card game!
Half of the year has passed since release of Hearthstone game and here it is - the very first add-on to the great Blizzard game. The AI was weak, but it was not needed - arenas and ladder provided enough fun to play. But I like PvE much more than PvP and to be honest I waited till Blizzard update the AI or create new challenge. And here it is - Naxxramas! New PvE bosses with updated AI to defeat! Again to be honest AI wasn't updated much - it is still weak and quite stupid, but heroic bosses really provide a challenge to play. Just imagine - a hero with 45 HP and 4\4 ability summon for 2 mana! o_O Or another boss - 99 HP and ability to deal 3 damage for 0 mana! Sounds impossible, huh? Well, time for fight then!

#hearthstone #heroic

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Abub'Rekhan Heroic

Difficulty: 4/5
Attempts: about 15 (without gambling for cards)
          First, but hardest of all bosses. His ability is extremely powerful - 4/4 unit from the very first turn (he always have coin). What can you do on first, second, third turns if he put 4\4 every turn? I tried about 6 different decks before coming to right one. Priest with maximum mind control power and unit removals: Mind Control (obv.), Cabal Shadow Priest, Mental Dislocator, board control aoe - Auchenai priestess + Circle of healing, Holy Nova. Card-copy worked perfectly too (Mind Vision and Thoughtsteal) - is was great to get 2\8 or 3\5 taunt. Especially funny was to hit Anub with his own Locust Swarm!
          But all this still wasn't enough. Even Doomsayer didn't help - he always killed him with 4\4+spell. My next idea was to use power of Divine Spirit + Inner Fire to get one uber tough unit, since Anub does not have removals. With luck it finally happened.
Bosses were hard and fun, just as Blizzard promiced. Cant wait for next week!

Maexxna Heroic

Difficulty: 3/5
Attempts: 7 (without gambling for cards)
          Quite tough boss. I tried different decks before I found right one. My thoughts was - I need units with battlecry, since Maexxna removes them, I can use up to 2 battlecries every turn. In my mind tactic was easy - Maexxna put mostly weak units with 1 attack, or even Nerubian Eggs, so you just need to wait until she put 6 units with 1 attack and two eggs - this will be a total of 6 damage every turn. You can use Guardian of Kings to outheal this damage and for example Elven Archer to deal damage to Maexxna. But this was boring, I decided I will defeat Maexxna by attacking, not defending. Despite her ability I will take board control!
          First several turns I could only use healing (Voodoo Doctors, Earth Ring Farseers) and sometimes units so Maexxna wont overload my hand. And in same time I tried to take board control. Since Maexxna removes 2 units every turn, that was obvious you need to put more than 2 units every turn! Cheap units, especially units with summon, like Murlock Tidehunter and Dragonling Mechanic worked well. Maexxna removes this units with her ability and next turn you can use them again to get even more summons! I tried to take board control with all my cards - Consecration, swords, summons, chargers. And when I finally got my board control I could finish the boss. Check my deck!

#hearthstone #heroic #maexxna

Grand Widow Faerlina Heroic

Difficulty: 1/5
Attempts: 3
          Easiest of all bosses. I tried both Zoolock and rush Druid - both worked well. Her ability is easy to counter - spam all cards you have. Faerlina don't have heavy units, aoe spells or removals, she can do nothing with horde of creatures you spam on her. Just be sure you don't have more than two cards in your hand.

#grandwidowfaerlina #faerlina #hearthstone #heroic

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mage in Dark Souls 2

         After a while I decided to finish the game again, but now with ranged hero - a mage. I had few dozens of spells in the inventory of my hero and now I want to try them all. All that great damage I caught with my face in PvP - now it is my time to melt faces. But real thing made me to start the game again was a movie - some guy was making two achievements - to pass the game without any death and without resting at bonfire. I could not believe it is possible even after I watch a movie. I remember how many hundreds of times I died during my gameplay, but this guy was just immortal. I even post a link to this movie - definitely worth watching. I thought I'm skilled enough to finish this hard game, but my skill is like a latern before the sun compared to his.
Now, I want to share my expirience with bosses as a mage. Obviously after first pass the game is easier, anyway - this is another hero and another expirience. This will be in Boss/Level/Difficulty/Tries/Comment format. I will update this post from time to time, untill the game will be finished. Lest go!

          I dont clean all areas, I'm trying to pick all items, but not farm enemies until they stop to spawn, so I think I might die several times on the way to the boss.

1) The Last Giant - 24 - 2/5 - 1 - As usual, stay behind the boss and just avoid leg attack.
2) Dragonrider - 31 - 4/5 - 6 - Surprisingly hard. My magic had very slow and weak casts. I believe cast speed and damage will increase in the future, but for now I was just slow. Also, without shield it was hard to avoid his attacks.

          This is fun to play as mage, many things looks much easier now, since you dont need to come close to enemies. But there are few drawbacks - slow cast speed - if a hollow came close to you he will definitely hit you before you cast, and one more thing I cant understand - I cannot target an enemy until it comes close - maybe it is my spells works so? Small range of attack. If so this is very sad, since this range is not far longer than melee attacks.

3) Old Dragonslayer - 36 - 4/5 - 5 - Same as Dragonrider - it was hard to avoid his attacks without shield. I even tried to raise my strength, to use Leather Shield - but with low strenght and without 100% physical shield it was even worse.
4) Pursuer - 43 - 4/5 - 7 - Obviously this boss was still hard despite class change. My low level also didnt make things easier, but I decided to finish this zone before going to No-Man's Wharf.
5) Flexile Sentry - 47 - 1/5 - 1 - Now with Heavy Soul Arrow things got easier, my damage increased as well as casting speed, due to level. And column in the middle of the room helps again.

          Ruin Sentinels smashed me to the ground same as last time (see my post in June). 7 tries, but I could barely kill first Sentinel - remember guy from movie without any death? I still cant believe it is doable. As for me I will go to Huntsman Copse for now.

6) Skeleton Lords - 61 - 3/5 - 5 - Even after I already completed this game there are many things I dont know yet. For example I didnt know group of skeletons spawn only after you kill affording Lord. Slow but steady: Lord, the pack, Lord, the pack, and so on.
7) Covetous Demon - 65 - 1/5 - 1 - Easy, same as last time.
8) Mytha, the Baneful Queen - 71 - 2/5 - 1 - Easy without poison. I managed to reduce weight of my gear to 25% so I roll very fast, avoiding all boss' attacks.

          Few times already, and especially in the Iron Keep my lack of armor as a mage became too obvious. One combo of Alonne Knights almost killing me. One arrow of Alonne Capitans reduces my HP by half. I died good 20-25 times before I could reach Old Iron King.

          I also tried Smelter Demon - 5 deaths - zero progress, he seems to have way too much magic resistance.

9) Old Iron King - 76 - 1/5 - 1 - Boss is slow as snail, very easy. First Great Soul
10) Ruin Sentinels - 78 - 5/5 - 17 - I've never wasted so much time on a boss. I was definitely lacking damage - when I managed to kill one Sentinel two others swiftly finished me. But same as last game I decided to not use any help or summons. Finally using Soul Spear and spell refills I managed to do it.
11) The Lost Sinner - 81 - 2/5 - 1 - four words: Just Four Soul Spears.
12) Belfry Gargoyles - 85 - 1/5 - Gargoyles were dying in two casts. I didnt even get a hit.
13) Smelter Demon - 88 - 4/5 - 8 - This guy seems to have nice magic resistance - about 50%, so killing him was a pain. Without shield his rapid attacks was finishing me very fast. Though two Soul Spears made its work.

          At first I tried only Arcane magics - Soul spells. Then after a while I respecced using Soul Vessel and tried Hexes, Miracles and Pyromancy. Still I think Soul spells are the most damaging ones. Maybe I just didnt have good spells from other schools yet, maybe because I still use my first upgraded staff. My magic setup for now is three Great Heavy Soul Arrows and two Soul Spears. Arrows hit for about 320 and Spear for about 650.

14) Scorpioness Najka - 90 - 2/5 - 1 - Though I got a few hits it was easy.

          I decided to kill Scorpioness first since I remember she was easy, and way to her was short - why not to get some extra souls? Now to the Gutter! Oh and one more thing to mention - killing lizards was a pain as melee, now it is far easier.

15) Royal Rat Vanguard - 93 - 3/5 - 2 - Intresting thing - bosses that were easy for the warrior now hard for the mage, and vice versa. Bosses with multiple enemies are hard since my casts are slow. I used roll good hundred of times before I killed Mr.Rat guy.
16) The Rotten - 97 - 3/5 - 3 - Good amount of HP, fast attacks and no armor. Oh and fiery pools on the ground makes it even more fun. Now for the last Great Soul.
17) Prowling Magus and Congregation - 98 - 1/5 - 1 - Soul Spear killed bosses in 2 hits, rest of zombies was not a problem to deal with.
18) The Duke's Dear Freja - 98 - 2/5 - 1 - Zone was harder than boss, I didnt die on boss, despite small spiders strongly wanted to kill me, but I died at least 10 times due to homing magic missled from necromancers.

          Now with nice amount of different spells, with upgraded staff, pyromancy flame and chime I tried all availible spells again. I will not mention all spells, only some I find useful - it is Affinity (high damage, and intresting mechanics) and Fireball\Fire Orb - weaker than GHSA, but still useful. Other spells are useless for me. My setup is 3 GHSA, 3 Soul Spears and Affinity\Fire spells depends on situation.

19) Twin Dragonriders - 102 - 2/5 - 1 - Still easy, though they hit me several times.
20) Looking Glass Knight - 104 - 3/5 - 3 - This guy is still very hard, but attacks from range helps a lot.
21) Demon of the Song - 107 - 1/5 - 1 - Very easy, since I know tactics already.

          Few words about Shrine of Amana - this is the hardest zone in the game IMHO - zone is full of casters with homing missiles, while you cant reach them since area is full of water. Death awaits you on every step in deep holes, invicible underwater. I died at least 20 times in this zone (remember the guy without any death?)

22) Velstadt, the Royal Aegis - 111 - 3/5 - 2 - Surprisingly easy. Maybe I was just lucky, since the boss mostly casted something with his bell-mace and not pursuing me.
23) Guardian Dragon - 115 - 1/5 - 1 - Boss was dead in about 5 seconds. Soul Geyser I found in Aldia's Keep is really powerful.
24) Throne Watcher and Throne Defender - 114 - 3/5 - 2 - These bosses have fast running speed and fast long attacks, it was hard to avoid.
25) Nashandra - 119 - 2/5 - 1 - Finally the last boss. Her main weapon - cursing spirits didnt work on me, since I stayed in range. This was easy - just run from her and attack then. Hear dark beam could cause some problems, but this is only if you stay far away from her - I was close enough to not get beams, but not so close to get curses.

          It was fun to play as a mage. Maybe I will try again as an archer - especially since DLC is coming soon.
          See you!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The King ...

          You, who link the fire, you, who bear the curse ...
          From being an empty shell of a warrior ...

          You, who saw the Sea of Fire ...

          The Spires of Flying ...

          You, who talked to dragons ...

          Kneeled to The Last Queen of Drangleic ...

          Great Sovereigh, take your throne.

          ... and who knows what awaits us ...


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Nashandra (#26)

Boss: Nashandra (#26)
My level: 177
Number of tries: 8
Difficulty: 5/5
          Finally the last boss! Nashandra, shard of The Great Manus was the reason of Drangleic destruction and poor King Vendrick insanity. With mantle of sculls and giant scythe she is really Death incarnate!
          Not the hardest boss - Looking Glass Knight and the Lost Sinner were harder, but still very hard. For ranged it could probably be easier, but for melee its a pain since she always recast souls around her that curse you. If you stay in melee you are getting cursed, if you stay in range she attacks with destructive beam. Even if you pulled her away from her souls she hits like a truck even through my heavy armor and huge HP pool. The combat is long and hard, but I finally managed it - they key is to stay close to her so she moves to you, but not close enough to get cursed.

#nashandra #darksouls2

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Throne Watcher and Throne Defender (#25)

Boss: Throne Watcher and Throne Defender (#25)
My level: 168
Number of tries: 2
Difficulty: 3/5
          This is not the last boss again! Unbelievable! Long stone road to the humongous hall. The name of the zone - Throne of Want - this just must be the last boss. Maybe I need to do something else to finish the game? I still didn't open two doors - in Forest of Giants and in Shaded Wood, I will go for it.
          Few words about boss (bosses will be more right) - easy. I knew there must be some secret - bosses are healing themselves after you kill one. I saw such kind of bosses in many similar games. I died once not because I didn't know about healing, but before it.


Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (#24)

Boss: Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (#24)
My level: 167
Number of tries: 11
Difficulty: 5/5
          This should be the last boss. He is definitely last, since this is hardest boss of Dark Souls 2. Velstadt, the Royal Aegis, Defender of the King stayed between me and King Vendrick, and this mightiest warrior across all Drangelic would gave his own life instead of failing his master.
          His armor was so bright I could not see him, but only orb of flashing light. His mace was so fast I could barely avoid its smashes. And his room was so small there was no place for maneuver. Eleven long tries I could not withstand might of the Royal Aegis. I tried 2h sword, Giant Mace - nothing worked, I was dead in few hits. Heavy 100% physical resist shield worked better and after more than three minutes I finally managed to defeat this great warrior.
          King Vendrick, I come for your soul!
          p.s. It seems this boss wasn't last. There are at least one more. And it is not Vendrick, since I could not attack him. There was few doors requiring King's Ring to open, maybe behind one of those doors I will find last boss. Or maybe even few more bosses.

#velstadt #darksouls2

Friday, July 4, 2014

Demon of the Song (#23)

Boss: Demon of the Song (#23)
My level: 164
Number of tries: 5
Difficulty: 2/5
          Such a wonderful voice, I thought - creature singing the song must be beautiful. It must be Milfanito queen or something like. Imagine my shock when I saw THIS. Obviously after such shock I died several times :D
          But, seriously, boss was easy, to be fair, but his hits was very hard. His 2 attack combo was killing me, despite huge amount of HP and armor I had. As soon as I worked out tactic - like hit&run, I defeated the boss without any problem.
          Most ugly boss ever.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Looking Glass Knight (#22)

Boss: Looking Glass Knight (#22)
My level: 160
Number of tries: 9
Difficulty: 5/5
          YEAH, hard enemy !! Hard, REALLY HARD! So far this is the hardest boss I've met. Very tough, incredible armor, fast combinations of strikes, overwhelming magic! Even single look at one of his (or her?) three faces makes you cover in fear!
          I really enjoyed this encounter - dark court atop of the castle, lightning piercing the sky, and armored giant with enormous mirror shield slowly walking at you in utter silence.
          I still cant figure out how to avoid his lightning strikes - if you run away from him he always turns to you, and you cant outrun it - his attack is in wide cone. Heavy armor and large amount of HP - just look at the duration of the fight - almost 4 minutes, longest fight so far. Fortunately I had good shield, helped me in this fight. The thing makes fight even harder is his shield blocking attacks even if he didn't use it - you simply cannot attack him from left side.

#lookingglassknight #darksouls2

Twin Dragonriders (#21)

Boss: Twin Dragonriders (#21)
My level: 160
Number of tries: 1
Difficulty: 2/5
          Gorgeous castle! High and dark halls. All this emptiness is pressing on you. Imagine you walk there accompanying only by sound of your footsteps echoing from massive walls.
          I've met my friends in a cellar! These Ruin Sentinels guys also live here, but this time they are five and attack together. About 10 times I died in this cellar, and finally decided to run through. Seems enemies trying to take me not with quality but with quantity. While I don't like the idea of same bosses I've killed already, boss (bosses) itself was (were) interesting and unusual. If only they could have more HP they would be definitely hard.
          By the way, maybe it is not the last wing? Since there are few doors requiring King's Ring to be opened. It seems King Vendrick is the last boss of this wing, while there are one (or even few) more bosses behind those doors. Let's see!

The Duke's Dear Freja (#20)

Boss: The Duke's Dear Freja (#20)
My level: 154
Number of tries: 2
Difficulty: 2/5
          Why last bosses of the wing are so easy? Only Lost Sinner provided some challenge, and only for the first kill. Oh well, now to Drangelic Castle and for the king! This is the final wing, end of the game is near, and I hope these bosses will be harder.
          Few words about boss itself - small spiders need to be dealt first, then I just stayed near boss head, completely avoiding leg smashes, beam and spittles from head. Easy. 2nd try as usual.
          Oh, no movie unfortunately.