Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Minecraft, part 2

          Second time it was in 2014 on Squareland server. By the way, I started previous post as "will not say about Minecraft", but seems I've started anyways :) Well, enjoy the story then, or skip it to next post, if you don't like :) So, second time I decided to build another underground facility - this time underwater.
          First I found an island - just small island of sand, expanded it, planted trees, and build underground fortress with big panorama window to look at the ocean :)
 This is my island. Unfortunately I didnt save a screenshot of how this island looked like. The well in the center (hidden below trees) was the secret entrance to my lair :)

 From inside

 Lowers floor (cellar with machinery)

          Once again, this time I left because I was out of ideas, and my m8's left too.
          Problem of Minecraft, and other free games of such kind is very low age of players. In Minecraft it was 12-16. I am 26 years old, and it is hard to communicate with angry kids there. Yes, angry, unfortunately, at least here, in Russia, I'm scared of intellectual level of our youth. Maybe clever children don't play games, only stupid do, idk, but it seems so. I'm not such kind of grammar nazi, but amount of grammatical mistakes combined with swearing really make my eyes bleed.

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