Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dungeons in Legion

          Gearing rush in coming to an end as well as my vacations :)
          Once again I must admit that this expansion is the best addon so far - there is so much things you can do, dozen of ways you can gear up yourself, so you really wont get bored.
          I had a week of vacations and I was able to complete: 100-110 levelling, part of Order Hall campaign, unlock World Quests, acquire enough gear to queue for heroics and complete all heroic dungeons (obv. except Suramar ones), and set my foot into Mythic dungeons.
          I was even able to complete Vault of Wardens - toughest instance of all.
          By the way, I planned to do this in Beta, but did do it, so I want to do it now - to range all instances from easiest to hardest. I will speak about my Mythic experience from Beta, except Suramar dungeons, which I wasn't able to visit since I haven't manage to achieve reputation requirements.
          1) Violet Hold - probably easiest of all, situated in Dalaran
          2) Eye of Azshara - I believe this will be the first Mythic+10 instance people will be able to complete. Bosses are quite easy, the last one - The Wrath of Azshara is not hard too - just avoid shit and DPS.
          3) Darkheart Thicket - where Xavius making his first appearance with his shadow :)
          4) Neltharion's Lair - long instance of medium difficulty, 4 bosses, all are quite easy, its the trash that can cause problems.
          5) Halls of Valor - another long instance, probably longest of all. Bosses are easy, except the last one - Odyn, he has several one-shot mechanics, also he prohibits to resurrect in combat - one hit - you are out of fight.
          6) Black Rook Hold - and another long instance. TBH even after several runs I cannot understand where to go there, map is really confusing. Medium difficulty of bosses.
          7) Maw of Souls - this is amazing instance except the part of its difficulty :) Bosses are tough, especially the last one - Helya. You must pay attention to many things - 2 types of AoE and tentacles
spawning beneath you. Problem is you cannot focus on both things, since AoE comes from above and tentacles from below - believe me, you will wipe good amount of times before you work it out.
          8) Vault of Wardens - this is the most difficult instance of The Legion. Trash mobs are few, but tough - named trash. Bosses are tough, to fight Inquisitor is really frustrating, but the last boss - Cordana Felsong is on par with heroic raid bosses - 5 phases, several one-shot mechanics - very hard.

          Yeah, that's it, so far it was very fun :)

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