Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rolling into Fire

          I made my preparations before Legion - pots, flasks, bandages etc. I planned the way I was going to level, but the hardest decision was about what class to play - either it Mage or Demon Hunter. I enjoyed to play DH a lot, but this is one more melee class. From Cata raids are known to be unfriendly to melee, and there are many melee classes already. Also, my mage was better geared - I raided Mythics after all. But the main reason to stay on my Mage was Simcraft DPS charts - Mages were top DPS, while DH was only near the top. Today things are simple - it does not matter who you are - demolock, frost mage, or owl - you DPS more - the spot in the raid is yours.
          Definitely, you can achieve some nice DPS when using your toolkit right.

          However, Blizzard are well known for nerfing classes in the mid of the addon. In the past you could just roll to another spec, even if your gear was not right - say full crit, when you need full haste. But in the Legion things became worse - thanks to the Artifact system. You cannot just roll into, say, Frost from Fire if your Frost artifact is level 1.
          Firemages are already expirienced several nerfs, and, well, now I understand why. Actually we are still in a pretty good spot. Firemages cannot perform well with bad gear, but after 850+ ilvl and 60% crit we start to shine. And the change of the Combustion made this spell from very clunky quite useful and easy to understand. Even despite we are being outdpsed by DH's in every single encounter, especially in AoE situations I still do not regret of making a choice to pick a Mage.
p.s. Also I want to provide a screenshot of another instance I havent expirienced on Beta - Court of Stars - looks amazing! But require a lot of Nightfallen rep though.

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