Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Level 110!

          Man, I remember when I created the same post about level 100 :D Now its 2 years and 10 levels later :)

          This was absolutely amazing! Blizzard kept their word and made launch very smooth! I logged online with my m8's at 7 AM (Russian time) - 5 hours after release. We decided not to start at 2 AM because there was to point to rush.

          First reason was that login server would definitely be overloaded, despite game servers themselves does not lag, another reason - we thought Blizzard will allow people to storm Mythic dungeons at Tuesday - to receive additional loot, but they simply decided not to refresh instance locks for this week.
          The idea to make all mobs scale with your level was great - no longer all thousands of players storm this poor NPC to complete his first quest - now you can start anywhere you want. We decided to go this way: Hightmountain (because there is a lot of quests close ot each other - from my exp from Beta) -> Azsuna (because of profession quests you can complete along with your normal quests) -> Val'Shara (small zone with many quests). After 3 zones and several dungeons we should have to be level 110 - well, mostly it was true, although several Stormheim quests were still required.
          To level as Frost was definitely hard - I remember from my Beta exp that on higher levels mobs become quite tough, but as a DH you could dash away, you had powerful healing, all your abilities are instacast! As a mage to cast 2 seconds Frostbolts that hits for 60k on 800k HP mob is dreadfully painful.
          It took us 16 hours to level to the max. We didn't rush it, nor we slacked. It of course much better than 30-hours marathon of lag in WoD.

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