Sunday, July 17, 2016

Oceiros, the Consumed King (#13)

Boss: Oceiros, the Consumed King (#13)
My level: ???
Number of tries: 5
Difficulty: 4,5/5
          «Ocelotte, my beloved child, where are you? ... Where have you gone? Why are you hiding from me? ... Ocelotte? ... OCEEELOOOOTEE!!!»

          Grandiose fight! VERY difficult boss, p2 is a madness - he charges rapidly from end to end of the chamber screaming, hitting you like a truck on his way. So far I've never exhaust my Estus Flask on any boss - this one was the first.
          And you know, I died even more than 5 times before I got to the boss himself. Very difficult zone. I've already wrote about knight with big 2h blade, that are very hard to beat. So here we can see upgraded version of those knight - each enemy feels like a boss, I waste 1-3 charges of Estus Flask on each enemy! By the way, here I have to notice one important thing I dislike about DS3 - enemies in DS2 seemed to have stamina, at least after a row of attacks they stop for a while and regain stamina. Here monsters does not seem to have any stamina at all - those big knight can chop you like a cabbage in a matter of seconds without any delay. Is this a new loop of difficulty? Because even for overpowered me it seems way to much.
          I don't remember any similar bosses in DS2.

p.s. When you start to rate something before it ends, like I do with encounters in the game, the usual situation is when you rate it 5\5 and then another boss is even more hard :) You have to change previous marks, or make some weird ratings like 6/5. I prefer 2nd way - looks weird, I know, but at least it will reflect the real difficulty. Peace!

#darksouls3 #oceiros #ocelotte

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