Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Twin Princes (#16)

Boss: The Twin Princes (#16)
My level: 100
Number of tries: 14
Difficulty: 5/5

          My dear brother ... Rise if you would ... For that is our curse ...

          THE HARDEST FIGHT EVER! Really, this cannot even be compared to any of DS2 bosses. And who have said that DS2 was harder? Not by a chance! Ruin Sentinels, The Lost Sinner, Nashandra - they all were much much easier. After 5 or 6 tries I finally managed to defeat Lorian. My thoughts was "This is the hardest fight in the game so far", but there is a second phase! After such hard battle when I almost exhausted my Estus flask second phase even more hard than first!
          I still cannot believe I've done this! Lorian himself is very swift, he teleports, it almost impossible to outrun him. And he hits LIKE A TRUCK! With my 1400 HP with Ember he smashed me for 600 or 700 - and I am not a caster, I was in plate armor, imagine how casters would suffer from his hits?
          My strategy was to avoid as much hits as I can and try to score at least one fast hit before he recovers. As for 2nd phase - rolling, rolling, rolling. Avoid as much hits and magic as you can. Do not try to hit until you 100% sure you have time to roll away after. Shield are useless here, even if they dry low stamina, you will be eventually exhausted since Lorian does not take his rest. The only way to defeat the boss - to be as swift as he is.
          It seems to be the last boss, and I'm glad I played this game, fought all those fights and especially marvellous last fight - The Twin Princes.

#darksouls3 #olddemonking

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Dragonslayer Armour (#15)

Boss: Dragonslayer Armour (#15)
My level: ???
Number of tries: 4
Difficulty: 3/5
          Awesome! Another, dark version of Firelink Shrine! Oh if only this idea could come to heads of developers earlier. Imagine Dark Majula? Only this one thought already excited me :)
          As for Champion Gundyr - now he kicks :)

#darksouls3 #olddemonking

Oceiros, the Consumed King (#13)

Boss: Oceiros, the Consumed King (#13)
My level: ???
Number of tries: 5
Difficulty: 4,5/5
          «Ocelotte, my beloved child, where are you? ... Where have you gone? Why are you hiding from me? ... Ocelotte? ... OCEEELOOOOTEE!!!»

          Grandiose fight! VERY difficult boss, p2 is a madness - he charges rapidly from end to end of the chamber screaming, hitting you like a truck on his way. So far I've never exhaust my Estus Flask on any boss - this one was the first.
          And you know, I died even more than 5 times before I got to the boss himself. Very difficult zone. I've already wrote about knight with big 2h blade, that are very hard to beat. So here we can see upgraded version of those knight - each enemy feels like a boss, I waste 1-3 charges of Estus Flask on each enemy! By the way, here I have to notice one important thing I dislike about DS3 - enemies in DS2 seemed to have stamina, at least after a row of attacks they stop for a while and regain stamina. Here monsters does not seem to have any stamina at all - those big knight can chop you like a cabbage in a matter of seconds without any delay. Is this a new loop of difficulty? Because even for overpowered me it seems way to much.
          I don't remember any similar bosses in DS2.

p.s. When you start to rate something before it ends, like I do with encounters in the game, the usual situation is when you rate it 5\5 and then another boss is even more hard :) You have to change previous marks, or make some weird ratings like 6/5. I prefer 2nd way - looks weird, I know, but at least it will reflect the real difficulty. Peace!

#darksouls3 #oceiros #ocelotte

Champion Gundyr (#14)

Boss: Champion Gundyr (#14)
My level: 86
Number of tries: 5
Difficulty: 4,5/5
          Awesome! Another, dark version of Firelink Shrine! Oh if only this idea could come to heads of developers earlier. Imagine Dark Majula? Only this one thought already excited me :)
          As for Champion Gundyr - now he kicks :)

#darksouls3 #olddemonking

Friday, July 8, 2016

WoW: Legion Beta: Level 110

          It took me quite a while to level to 110 ))) About 3 months :D But I have my reasons, that I'll share later. As for now I must say this can potentially the best expansion ever.
          First of all Blizzard promised smooth launch due to their newest technology - "server shards" or smth. Doubtful, honestly, all their expansions lauches caused terrible lags and the game became terribly unplayable and frustrating for several days or even weeks. But lets hope for the best future :)
          Second, DH expirience was absolutely amazing! This is the class I dreamed for when I was playing my rogue for many years - agile, mobile, fast. Admit it, everyone wanted to play DH since WC3, isnt it? To slash enemies with enormous warglaives! To bombard them with Fel magic! To burn them with your blazing eyes! DH's kit is great, as once rogue kit was - you have many abilities allowing you to break your distance with enemies - to dash to them, or vault away. DH's AoE is just beyond awesome, this is what I was always lacking on my mage - burst aoe. It can take ages until you stack enough Ignite on enemies, but here you just - SLASH! CUT! BAM! and pack of trash is gone )))
          As for levelling expirience - it is great aswell. Zones are amazing - look on this screenshot - this is Val'Shara - the land of druids. Look on the screenshots below - this is Suramar, ancient elven city, that survived The Sundering. Graphical and texture makers overdid themselves - the game looks great! This time Blizzard have changed the technology when you level up - now all mobs are scaling with your level, making questing progressively harder. Although with levels you get better gear, mobs become much much  tougher with every level. For example on level 100 I could pull packs of 6-8 mobs despite my gear was quite bad - DH's starting gear - about 700 ilvl. But closer to 100 - 108+ I could only pull single mob - two enemies sometimes meant death. Quest rewards are also scale with your level - every level quest rewards ilvl increase for about 10 levels. So imagine when you play HC Mythic geared character with ilvl ~740-750, you can probably stomp enemies until level 105-106, but then quest rewards will be better than yours, so are mobs will be tougher.
          Now lets see what high level content offers us.
          And in the end another screen - Khadgar's head :)
          Looks creepy, isnt it? 8-)