Sunday, September 25, 2016

Emerald Nightmare

          Finally some hard content! And you know, I'm not talking about raids.  I'm talking about Mythic+ dungeons. But lets look on the raid first - Emerald Nightmare.
          First tier obviuosly must be easy, but I suppose Blizzard oversimplified EN. I believe, problem is the gear which was so easy to get. It actually wasnt that difficult to achieve 850+ ilvl, but raids were tuned for much lower ilvl, so casual people wont complain about difficulty. Only last boss provided some challenge. So here it is:
          1) Nythendra - 9th try, 4/10 - not as easy as Kargath once was, but still quite easy. Watch for explosive insects on the floor - this was our main source of wipes.

          2) Il'gynoth - 8th try, 3/10 - this will be a pain in Mythic definitely. Another a-lot-of-tentacles guy.

          3) Ursoc - 9th try 4/10 - Butcher\Patchwerk of Legion.

          4) Dragons of Nightmare - 3th try, 2/10 - very easy, this should be the first boss, not Nythendra. I think Blizzard undertuned this boss in the fear of people might get confused over amount of dragons.

          5) Elerethe Renferal - 20th try, 5\10 - first difficult boss, amount of things you have to watch for is a bit overwhelming - poison pools, spiders, tornadoes. And after all the flies to another platform and people miss the web and fall into abyss :) On our second kill this will be easier, I bet, but for now it is difficult.
          6) Cenarius - 25th try, 6\10 - another difficult boss. You have to work out your own tactic.

          7) Xavius - 5th try, 5\10 - surprisingly easy for the last boss. No idea why, but Blizzard really undertuned this one. Nowhere near as Imperator Mar'Gok once was.

          Overall I'm quite happy with this new raid, especially environments - looks really beautiful - corrupted Mulgore, corrupted Un'Goro, but the best of all is corrupted Moonglade - this is really awesome! Looks like a vortex with Cenarius in the middle. Though the last boss is the real disappointment - even the location you fight with him is so dull - I wonder who even made such blank space? What is the fun? At least after his defeat you may see something beautiful again - the real Emerald Dream, I wanted to see it since Vanilla :) Marvellous!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Always be the first

          Actually I'm not sure you can use such loud words in WoW, but anyways :) I've made my preparations to raids - I've achieved maximum possible gear for me, and now I'm top1 mage on my server :)

          Xavius, here I come! :P

Saturday, September 17, 2016


          YAY, my first legendary! :) A little sad that it is not bracers, since two main mages from us three got bracers, and it really helps DPS-wise. (a lot of shit in my bags I know )))

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rolling into Fire

          I made my preparations before Legion - pots, flasks, bandages etc. I planned the way I was going to level, but the hardest decision was about what class to play - either it Mage or Demon Hunter. I enjoyed to play DH a lot, but this is one more melee class. From Cata raids are known to be unfriendly to melee, and there are many melee classes already. Also, my mage was better geared - I raided Mythics after all. But the main reason to stay on my Mage was Simcraft DPS charts - Mages were top DPS, while DH was only near the top. Today things are simple - it does not matter who you are - demolock, frost mage, or owl - you DPS more - the spot in the raid is yours.
          Definitely, you can achieve some nice DPS when using your toolkit right.

          However, Blizzard are well known for nerfing classes in the mid of the addon. In the past you could just roll to another spec, even if your gear was not right - say full crit, when you need full haste. But in the Legion things became worse - thanks to the Artifact system. You cannot just roll into, say, Frost from Fire if your Frost artifact is level 1.
          Firemages are already expirienced several nerfs, and, well, now I understand why. Actually we are still in a pretty good spot. Firemages cannot perform well with bad gear, but after 850+ ilvl and 60% crit we start to shine. And the change of the Combustion made this spell from very clunky quite useful and easy to understand. Even despite we are being outdpsed by DH's in every single encounter, especially in AoE situations I still do not regret of making a choice to pick a Mage.
p.s. Also I want to provide a screenshot of another instance I havent expirienced on Beta - Court of Stars - looks amazing! But require a lot of Nightfallen rep though.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Gold farm

          In the beginning of every addon it is obvious that crafting materials will cost a lot. You either spend your gold to aquire best crafting gear (such as Darkmoon trinkets for example) or make a lot of money selling things, assuming you levelled very fast. I'm gonna share one secret here, no idea how this will work on your realm though. The key to making gold today is Obliterum. Yes, yes, that thing upgradung your gear up to 850. It is obvious that hardcore raiders will spend a lot of gold on these (and they have it), but you need it too for your gear. I decided to sell it for now, because you have plenty of time to aquire gear from instances, you will be able to waste obliterum later - before raids start. But people are buying it. Thing is - if you find a method of easy Obliterum you gonna be rich. And it seems I've found one :)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mage class campaign

          I've just completed mage class campaign - took me 5 days. Advice - watch for follower quests :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dungeons in Legion

          Gearing rush in coming to an end as well as my vacations :)
          Once again I must admit that this expansion is the best addon so far - there is so much things you can do, dozen of ways you can gear up yourself, so you really wont get bored.
          I had a week of vacations and I was able to complete: 100-110 levelling, part of Order Hall campaign, unlock World Quests, acquire enough gear to queue for heroics and complete all heroic dungeons (obv. except Suramar ones), and set my foot into Mythic dungeons.
          I was even able to complete Vault of Wardens - toughest instance of all.
          By the way, I planned to do this in Beta, but did do it, so I want to do it now - to range all instances from easiest to hardest. I will speak about my Mythic experience from Beta, except Suramar dungeons, which I wasn't able to visit since I haven't manage to achieve reputation requirements.
          1) Violet Hold - probably easiest of all, situated in Dalaran
          2) Eye of Azshara - I believe this will be the first Mythic+10 instance people will be able to complete. Bosses are quite easy, the last one - The Wrath of Azshara is not hard too - just avoid shit and DPS.
          3) Darkheart Thicket - where Xavius making his first appearance with his shadow :)
          4) Neltharion's Lair - long instance of medium difficulty, 4 bosses, all are quite easy, its the trash that can cause problems.
          5) Halls of Valor - another long instance, probably longest of all. Bosses are easy, except the last one - Odyn, he has several one-shot mechanics, also he prohibits to resurrect in combat - one hit - you are out of fight.
          6) Black Rook Hold - and another long instance. TBH even after several runs I cannot understand where to go there, map is really confusing. Medium difficulty of bosses.
          7) Maw of Souls - this is amazing instance except the part of its difficulty :) Bosses are tough, especially the last one - Helya. You must pay attention to many things - 2 types of AoE and tentacles
spawning beneath you. Problem is you cannot focus on both things, since AoE comes from above and tentacles from below - believe me, you will wipe good amount of times before you work it out.
          8) Vault of Wardens - this is the most difficult instance of The Legion. Trash mobs are few, but tough - named trash. Bosses are tough, to fight Inquisitor is really frustrating, but the last boss - Cordana Felsong is on par with heroic raid bosses - 5 phases, several one-shot mechanics - very hard.

          Yeah, that's it, so far it was very fun :)