Friday, December 5, 2014

First week of Highmaul. Highmaul Normal.

          Finally, a new raid! How long I have waited for this! First days of new raid are always awesome - new bosses, new areas, new mechanics. I remember my Cataclysm experience when I rushed to level 85 gathered best equipment I could to fight for server firsts! You know this feeling when you kill new boss - and there are even seven new ones! And this is normal so you can beat them quite fast. This is like having an orgasm seven times in row :)
          I even managed to be first in my guild by item level

though I didn't make it that high I made it in Cataclysm - getting old probably :)

          But nevermind this, I was really happy and excited anyways! Seven new bosses, seven new challenges! And as I like to measure all things I will measure boss difficulty and will track our statistics on wipes and kills. Of course my marks are very subjective - this is only my point of view :) Lets say 10\10 - is Garrosh Heroic pre-6.0 and 0\10 is current LFR difficulty level. This will be in boss - attempts - difficulty - comment format.

 1) Kargath Bladefist - 1st try - 1/10 - First boss is first boss. Mechanics are forgivable and easy to avoid.
 2) The Butcher - 1st try - 1/10 - This one has DPS requirements, but for my guild there was no challenge at all.
 3) Brackenspore - 2nd try - 2/10 - We were totally clueless about mushrooms :)
 4) Tectus - 4th try - 3/10 - For the first kill this one is harder than previous bosses. Mechanics are old - void zone + don't stay in fire + kite debuff away, but when the boss splits into 4 amount of fire and void zones is a bit overwhelming. Good aoe required.
 5) Twin Ogron - 2nd try - 2/10 - easy one-phase boss. Same thing - don't stay in fire.
 6) Ko'ragh - 4th try - 3/10 - interesting idea to make the boss immune to magic :)
 7) Imperator Mar'gok - 7th try - 5/10 - Significantly harder than previous bosses. While other bosses have 1-2 phases, Mar'gok is 10m+ 4-phased encounter. I believe it can be serious challenge for weak guilds.

          Overall I'm very happy with Highmaul, see you in Heroic mode :)

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