Sunday, August 16, 2015

Archimonde 2.0, The End of WoD

          Just look on this screenshot - this is real madness :D Seriously, I do not remember any boss, where you can see really NOTHING. All screen in green, everything is flashing, PANIC, PANIC, PANIC! :D
          I've never killed Archimonde v. 1.0 (BC one), but I saw movies, and I remember when the boss HP is low screen starts to splash with red, and I expected something like this with current Archimonde. So you see, I wasn't far from truth :D
          Now I saw all bosses (at least in normal mode) and I think it is time to discuss content of Warlords of Draenor.

          Overall: From the very start till this one moment - almost an year of expansion have passed. Content wasn't rushed, nor it was slowed down as it was with SoO. Overall I can say I am quite happy with WoD.
          Garrisons: The idea of garrisons caused some contempt, I could not say I fully appreciate the reworked guildhouse idea of being cut from the rest of the world alone, but it was more good than bad. I didn't feel actually alone with all those NPCs and guild chat - garrison was my place I could hide from time to time, but bad thing is I had really nothing to do in the world except to sit in garrison.
          The beginning: The start of the addon was awesome as usual, despite all those crazy lags on our server. There were a lot of arguing about flying. As for me I enjoyed this RPG-style hunt for treasures, though I think they should add flying earlier.
          Raids: Last, but not least. All bosses are made in Blizzard style - very well. Of course many of them share appearance and abilities with previous bosses, but I understand it is very hard to make something really new from scratch. Some bosses, like Brackenspore, Imperator Mar'Gok, Operator Thogar, The Blast Furnace, Gorefiend and Archimonde are quite remarkable due to either model or strategy. I hope this content would not last more than 5-6 months and already at Christmas we will trample the roads of new world again! :)

#worldofwarcraft #warlordsofdraenor #warlords #wow #mythic #hellfirecitadel #archimonde

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